2012-2013 American Library Association-Allied Professional Association
ALA-APA Committee Volunteer Form
Please complete and submit by Friday, December 7, 2012
To volunteer for an American Library Association (ALA) Committee, click here
You must be an ALA member to serve on a many of the ALA-APA committees. Committee Charges are shown below
To volunteer for an American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) Committee, click here
Upon submitting this form you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not, please contactLorelle Swader, ALA-APA Director at lswader@ala.org
Committee appointments will be finalized at the 20113 ALA Midwinter Meeting. Appointment invitations and acceptance forms will be sent out in late March 2013. Upon receipt, please complete the acceptance form and return it to Jenifer Grady, email:lswader@ala.org or fax: 312-280-3257 by the specified deadline.
Thank you for your willingness to serve on an ALA-APA committee. Please be aware that occasionally the number of applicants exceeds the number of available committee appointments. If you are not appointed to a committee this year, we hope you will volunteer to serve again during the next appointment cycle.
Committee Charges
Certification Program Committee: The committee is charged to (1) encourage and promote development of certification programs, (2) monitor and evaluate the progress of such programs, (3) encourage individuals to seek certification through such programs of the ALA-APA, and (4) make recommendations to the ALA-APA Board of Directors for general improvement to ALA-APA certification, based on evaluations and trends in certification practice.
Certification Review Committee for the Certified Public Library Administrator (CPLA) Program: The ALA-APA Certification Review Committee (CRC) for the Certified Public Library Administrator Program (CPLA) is a standing committee with the following responsibilities: (1) Review and approve the requirements for certification and re-certification. (2) Establish guidelines for education programs offered by providers. (3) Review and approve education providers based on the provider’s self-attestation that the provider’s program fulfills the guidelines. (ALA-APA will develop, with advice from legal counsel, a disclaimer that says that ALA-APA does not “endorse” a specific provider.) (4) Oversee the process for development and validation of the certification program. (5) Address appeals from applicants and refer them if necessary to the ALA-APA Board of Directors. (6) Review periodically (at least every five years) the standards established for the certification program and request that the [ALA] division(s) make changes as needed. (7) Work cooperatively with ALA-APA and ALA staff.
Library Support Staff Certification Program Certification Review Committee: The ALA-APA Certification Review Committee (CRC) for the Library Support Staff Certification Program is a standing committee with the following responsibilities: (1) Review and approve the requirements for certification and re-certification. (2) Establish guidelines for education programs offered by providers. (3) Review and approve courses based on applications from course providers. (4) Oversee the process for development and validation of the certification program. (5) Address appeals from applicants and refer them if necessary to the ALA-APA Board of Directors. (6) Review periodically (at least every five years) the standards established for the certification program and request that the [ALA] division(s) make changes as needed. (7) Work cooperatively with ALA-APA and ALA staff.
Promotion and Fundraising: To develop strategies and tactics to support advocacy, promotion and marketing for the ALA-APA. To work in consultation with the ALA-APA director and appropriate marketing and fundraising professionals, within and external to ALA, to develop fundraising and marketing programs and campaigns on behalf of the ALA-APA.
Publishing: To review and recommend editorial policies for Library Worklife and other APA publications and to provide oversight for implementation of those policies. To assist the editor of Library Worklife to identify appropriate article topics and solicit potential authors. To provide advice and counsel on ALA-APA’s publishing programs.
Salaries and Status of Library Workers: To advise the ALA-APA Council and Board of Directors on activities, issues and programs related to improving salaries, comparable worth, pay equity and increase status for librarians and other library workers. The committee will identify special areas of need or emphasis, suggest activities and programs, stimulate programs and projects. The committee will encourage and help to coordinate volunteer support and involvement. The committee will aid in communication with librarians and library workers, in ALA and the field. The committee will report at least twice annually, in conjunction with the regularly-scheduled meeting of the ALA-APA Council, on progress toward goals.